This is a strange situation for me. I write this post sitting upright on my uncomfortable wooden chair, at an unearthly hour (0500 hrs) on a Monday morning. My computer hums away, showing off its ability to perform a few million clock cycles a second, as I make a frantic attempt to complete an assignment that was due three weeks ago.

Now, why is this situation strange? Not because of the assignment, no way! Late nights completing assignments has become part and parcel of life in IIT. It's the internet connection that has really thrown me of balance!

Computers are strange creatures, I admit. Whenever I sit in front of the screen and stare blankly at the millions of numbers that fly up my screen, my computer works perfectly - not a single result that defies the laws of physics, chemistry and mathematics! But, one glance away, and it spews out some of the most unbelievable results.

I think it's a diabolical genius!